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Rhôd in Roath / Rhôd yn y Rhath
19 October, 2013 - 20 October, 2013

Map Ref#33 – Front Garden Installations at numbers 18, 20, 39, 71, 76, 91, 95 Ninian Road, Cardiff. CF23 5EF.
Kathryn Campbell Dodd, Antonia Dewhurst, Penny Jones, Roger Lougher, Mike Murray, David Shepherd, Elizabeth Waterhouse, Jacob Whittaker
Sat 19th Oct – Sun 20th Oct, All day with guided tour each day at 2pm (meet @ no 18)
Rhôd is an annual exhibition / event that takes place in rural Wales,UK. One of the main objectives of Rhôd is to site contemporary art in rural settings. Each of the artists in the show has shown at Rhôd over the last five years and welcomes the opportunity to place their work in an urban environment at the invitation of Made in Roath.
Antonia Dewhurst – Un-titled/Heb-hawl. I am interested in our complex relationship with what we call home. Un-titled/Heb-hawl uses the metaphor of bird migration to explore ideas around ownership and our universal need for refuge and shelter. Antonia Dewhurst lives and works in North Wales. She is a member of casc (contemporary art studios cymru).
Penny Jones – Ganwyd yn y Rhath – Born in Roath. Nid llieiniau gwely yw rhain ond clytiau, efallai i fabi na chaiff byth ei eni, ond mae Gillian Clarke yn dod o’r rhan yma o Gaerdydd a rwy’n ddiolchgar iddi am gael defnyddio ei cherdd gref a phwerus am y drychineb ym mhwll glo Abertyleri.
These may not be sheets, but nappies, perhaps of a baby never to be born, but Gillian Clarke comes from this part of Cardiff. I am grateful to her for the use of her pungent poem about the mining disaster in Abertillery.
Chwe Chloch
Hwyrach i wraig wrth godi ei golch ar lein
glywed siffrwd, eiliad syn a’i chlust yn fain,
pyls wan mewn daear, fel drylliad calon,
wrth fagu yn ei dwylo bentwr llaith –
llieiniau eu huniad, ei grysau. Hwyrach
i un neu ddwy droi pen wrth sgwrio rhiniog,
dwylo gwlyb o wasgu enfysau ar lech;
ac islaw’r dref, yno yng nghrombil y pwll
lithriad craig yn gwreichio’r dur wrth danio’r
gwagle – dwrn trwy’r düwch nes ffrwydro
llosgnwy yn wenfflam. Wrth iddynt drengi,
munud syfrdan cyn i’r seirennau daranu
a chyn i’r dorf ymgasglu gan lenwi’r stryd,
a chyn iddi godi drachefn y llieiniau glân i gyd.
Gillian Clarke
Trosiad o’r Saesneg gan Menna Elfyn
Six Bells 28 June 1960
Perhaps a woman hanging out the wash
paused, hearing something, a sudden hush,
a pulse inside the earth like a blow to the heart,
holding in her arms the wet weight
of her wedding sheets, his shirts. Perhaps
heads lifted from the work of scrubbing steps,
hands stilled from wringing rainbows onto slate,
while below the town, deep in the pit
a rock-fall struck a spark from steel, and fired
the void, punched through the mine a fist
of blazing firedamp. As they died
perhaps a silence, before the sirens cried,
before the people gathered in the street,
before she’d finished hanging out her sheets.
Gillian Clarke Copyright © 2010 Gillian Clarke
Roger Lougher – Pleinairisme. Roger Lougher is interested in the simple basic materials he is presented with at his studio. Here he is exhibiting work made with found objects: Leylandii trees he has felled and not yet burnt and the old buckets from the restored waterwheel. He presents them as a rustic minimalist sculpture conceived and made on the rush of oxygen mixed with two-stroke exhaust fumes.
Like an eager and naive lover, Lougher, has tirelessly questioned landscape genre; they have now forged a relationship that goes beyond words but is never far from panic. Lougher is currently making works that come directly from his experience of managing an 11 acre property in West Wales: coppicing trees for fire-wood, logging and splitting this timber; clearing obstructions from the river and planting and maintaining a hedge and small orchard. This is his studio, the open air.
Roger Lougher – Plainairisme. Ymddiddora Roger Lougher yn y deunyddiau syml, craidd i’w ffeindio yn ei stiwdio. Yma mae’n arddangos gwaith wedi ei greu allan o wrthrychau hapgael: coed leylandii a dorrodd i lawr ond heb eu llosgi eto a hen fwcedi o’r olwyn ddŵr a adferwyd. Cyflwynir hwynt fel cerflun a gynlluniwyd ac a grëwyd wedi sbardun o ocsigen yn gymysg a mygdarth dau-strôc.
Fel carwr brwd a naïf, mae Lougher yn cwestiynu yn ddiflino genre y tirlun; maent nawr wedi ffurfio perthynas a aiff tu hwnt i eiriau ond byth yn bell oddiwrth panic. Ar hyn o bryd mae’n gwneud gwaith a ddeillia yn uniongyrchol o’i brofiad o reoli safle 11 acer yng Ngorllewin Cymru : prysgoedio coed, ei dorri a’I baratoi ar gyfer coed tan; clirio rhwystrau o’r afon; plannu a gofalu am berthi a pherllan fach. Dyma ei stiwidio, yr awyr agored.
Mike Murray – Aildrydanadwy/ rechargable. The aim of Mike’s work is to explore the use of language on objects of mass production. For Made in Roath Mike has decided to translate a small 9Volt rechargeable battery into Welsh. The thought process is when different languages are applied to graphics, do we only need a simple translation? and possibly a few clicks of a button > to the digital printers? Materials: mixed media.
David Shepherd. I rarely activate an installation away from the designated site .. but previous to the show I will spend a degree of time speculating on what might happen when I eventually move into an ‘arena’ …. In this case the front garden of number 95 Ninian Road – that is infested with debris associated with house refurbishment. Given … say seven days or more to install I will then possibly set up a relationship with several other sites within reasonable proximity to the site. ……Up to 10 miles. Some of these sites may have “existed” for 20 years or more … some may emerge during the building of the show and some may evolve in retrospect and be born after the show is demolished. Such satellite sites could nominate themselves by the presence of various parafinalia or particular visual juxtapositions that catch my attention for some reason or other! I will then spend some time commuting regularly between these sites familiarising myself with the lay of the land and incidents that occur on particular “patches of earth”. The journeying is fundamental to the whole process and it, of course, goes without saying that I will be continually moving things between sites. Items that belonged to one site may turn up at another site and then return at a later date. This activity will inevitably be somewhat time consuming and laborious but true to my continual process of arranging, rearranging, shifting and sorting stuff. Such processes involve routines that are as “job specific” as they are site oriented! This installation will need some degree of attention over the exhibiting period and I will deploy myself as caretaker,engineer or even repairman as is needed regarding the upkeep of the event. A current obsession with 95 butterfly nets may well determine some of the imagery.
Elizabeth Waterhouse – Bird Garden/Gardd Adar. Elizabeth uses biro to fastidiously draw tangles of birds that focus on form and space. On approach these drawings can appear an abstract mass, it is only when you get closer that the highly detailed subject emerges. The viewer’s immediate response tends to be a playful one, attempting to count the birds and identifying individual species. However beyond this superficial response these drawings can raise questions surrounding our constructed understanding of diversity in the natural world.
Elizabeth also has a background in making large-scale installations using found objects, for Made in Roath Elizabeth has installed a group of sash windows reclaimed from one of the houses on Ninian Road. By drawing birds on each one and then placing the windows together the layered drawings become one image.
Jacob Whittaker – Now! 18. Now that’s what I call music 18 was released in 1990 in three formats – vinyl record, compact cassette and compact disc, the same year the first CD-recordable went on general sale. Vinyl editions ended in 1996 with Now! 35. Cassette tapes ceased in 2006 with the final cassette being Now! 63
Now that’s what I call music 18 (record 2)
Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No2 in C Minor Op18
Rachmaninoff’s 18th Variation from “Rhapsody on a theme of Paganini”
Reiseburo Atlas : Starting German record 2 Lesson 18
Images: 18 Beautiful Instrumentals
Welsh for Beginners lesson 18
Mike Harding – The Wedding at 18 Clegg St
Mozart Symphony No 18
Chopin Waltzes – E flat Major Op18
Europa Hit Parade No 18
Amici, Buona Sera! Starting Italian Record 2 – Lesson 18
Starting Spanish record 1 – Lesson 18
Si Dice Cosi : A BBC TV course for beginners in Italian Record 3 – Lesson 18
Welsh for Beginners lesson 18
Repondez s’il vous plait – Record 2 – lesson 18
Dewch I Siarad 1 – Lesson 18
Ensemble 2 French for beginners – Lesson 18
Top of the Pops (Vol.46) – Eighteen with a bullet