
Hysbyseb Recriwtio Welsh, Gifted & Black

Ydych chi:

  • Rhwng 21 a 25 mlwydd oed?
  • Yn Ddu neu’n dras gymysg ac wedi’ch lleoli, neu yn agos at Dde Cymru?
  • Yn rhywun sy’n dilyn y newyddion diweddaraf ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol?
  • Yn edrych am fodd i archwilio eich creadigrwydd?
  • Yn unigolyn sydd â hanes i’w adrodd, ac sydd eisiau bod yn rhan o symudiad sy’n ymdrechu i wneud Cymru yn wlad fwy cynhwysol, addysgedig, amrywiaethol, a gwrth-hiliol?


Os mai ydw yw’r ateb, daliwch ati i ddarllen. Efallai mai dyma’r cyfle perffaith i chi!

Mae Welsh, Gifted & Black yn gydweithfa ryngddisgyblaethol wedi ei hariannu gan Gronfa Treftadaeth y Loteri Genedlaethol, sy’n angerddol dros addysgu’r cyhoedd ac amlygu systemau llygredig ac anghyfiawnder hiliol. Rydym yn cynnwys 4 unigolyn Du a thras gymysg rhwng 18-23, ac wedi’n lleoli yng Nghaerdydd.

Gan greu cyfres podlediad wyth pennod gyda theitl eponymaidd, ac arddangosfa sydd nid yn unig yn ychwanegu at y podlediad, ond yn defnyddio cofnodion ac archifau hanesyddol i fanwl archwilio’r presenoldeb a phrofiadau Du yng Nghymru, mae Welsh, Gifted & Black yn edrych i herio’r amcan bod bod yn Ddu a Chymreig yn annibynnol ar ei gilydd, ac yn cyflwyno hanesion Du i bobl Cymru ac ymhellach.

Welsh, Gifted & Black Recruitment

Are you:
  • Aged between 21 and 25? 
  • Black or mixed-race, and based in or around South Wales? 
  • Someone who keeps up with the latest news on social media? 
  • Looking for an avenue to explore your creativity? 
  • An individual who has a story to tell, and wants to be part of a movement that endeavours to make Wales a more inclusive, educated, diverse, and anti-racist country? 


If the answer is yes, keep reading. We may have the perfect opportunity for you!

Welsh, Gifted & Black is an interdisciplinary, National Lottery Heritage Fund-funded collective, that are passionate about educating the public and shining a light on corrupt systems and racial injustice. We currently consist of 4 Black and mixed-race individuals aged 18-23, and are based in Cardiff. 

Through the creation of an eight-episode eponymously titled podcast series, and an exhibition that not only supplements the podcast, but uses the historical record and archives to intimately explore the Black presence and experience in Wales, Welsh, Gifted & Black seeks to challenge the notion that to be Black and Welsh is mutually exclusive, and take Black stories to the people of Wales and beyond. 

Past Opportunities

Churchill Way
- artist commission.

Cardiff Council are holding a children’s festival focused on play, which will include on Churchill Way some commissioned artwork. Art Shell and madeinroath are inviting artists to respond to the history of Churchill Way and or play, to create (print-based) designs.
For more information and to submit proposals please email:

Introduction to Broadcast Radio

Are you 16 – 24 an interested in audio broadcast? We’ve developed this project with artist Freya Dooley as an introduction to radio and podcasting. You’ll come away with the skills to produce your own content, and the opportunity to create some new work for a show to be broadcast in Spring through Radio Platfform. 
Have any questions? Get in touch – info@madeinroath.com

Prosiect Treftadaeth Pobl Ifanc BIPOC
Young People's BIPOC Heritage Project

A new project from madeinroath, in partnership with The Privilege Cafe and ACAP Academy, are looking for young Black & indigenous people and young people of colour (BIPOC) to become part of an intersectional heritage project to document and explore the history of the Black experience in Wales. The aim is for the young people to combine learning, community activism and historical research, and to create a shareable online resource which will specifically redress the lack of representation of BIPOC communities within Welsh museums, archives and the education curriculum.

This is a small pilot project which we hope to expand in the future, and at the moment we are looking for 10 young people from BIPOC communities to take part in a minimum of 5 x 2 hour sessions. The project will be led by the young people (including finding a name for it!), so specific outcomes are still to be decided, but could include a website, audio histories, a podcast, film etc – the ultimate aim is to create a well researched resource(s) which addresses the general lack of awareness and understanding of the BIPOC narrative in Wales.

Each group member will receive £100 for taking part in the sessions, and facilitators will include Dr Sarah Younan, Youth Engagement Coordinator at Amgueddfa Cymru, Mymuna Soleman, founder of the hugely successful and influential Privilege Cafe, and the eminent historian and psychologist Abu-Bakr Madden Al Shebazz.

If you would like to be part of the group, you will need to be from a BIPOC community, aged between 18-24 years, and have a keen interest in the subject of heritage and history. To submit an application, please send a written statement (one side of A4) about yourself and why you are interested in the project, including any relevant experience and skills which you would bring to the group : for example, web/IT design experience, research, creative skills, community/online activism, digital capture (film making, audio history recording & photography), recent, relevant qualifications etc. We welcome expressions of interest from people with disabilities and additional access needs so please include any relevant information so that we can ensure that these are accommodated.

The meetings are likely to take place virtually, via Zoom, and days/times will be decided by the group to suit all members, it is not necessary for you to be in Cardiff, but you must be Welsh and in Wales to take part. Welsh language speakers would be an asset to the group, but please be aware that sessions will be conducted in the English language.

Please email your statement of interest to gail@madeinroath.com by August 14th 2020, please also use this email address if you have any questions about the project.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Mae prosiect newydd gan madeinroath mewn partneriaeth â The Privilege Cafe a ACAP Academy yn chwilio am bobl ifanc du a brodorol a phobl ifanc croendywyll (BIPOC) i fod yn rhan o brosiect treftadaeth rhyngblethol i ddogfennu ac archwilio hanes o brofiad Du yng Nghymru. Y nod yw i bobl ifanc gyfuno dysgu, gweithredaeth cymunedol ac ymchwil hanesyddol, ac i greu adnodd rhanadwy ar-lein bydd yn gwneud iawn y diffyg cynrychiolaeth o gymunedau BIPOC yn benodol o fewn amgueddfeydd Cymreig, archifau a’r cwricwlwm addysg.

Prosiect bach arbrofol yw hyn a gobeithiwn ei ehangu yn y dyfodol, ar hyn o bryd rydym yn chwilio am 10 o bobl ifanc o gymunedau BIPOC i gymryd rhan mewn o leiaf 5 sesiwn 2 awr. Bydd y prosiect yn cael ei arwain gan y bobl ifanc (gan gynnwys darganfod enw!) felly mae canlyniadau penodol eto i’w penderfynu, ond gallai gynnwys gwefan, hanesion sain, podlediad, ffilm ayyb – y brif nod yw creu adnodd/au ymchwiliol sy’n cyfeirio at ddiffyg ymwybyddiaeth gyffredin a dealltwriaeth o’r naratif BIPOC yng Nghymru.

Bydd pob aelod o’r grŵp yn derbyn £100 am gymryd rhan yn y sesiynau, a bydd yr hwyluswyr yn cynnwys Dr Sarah Younan, Cydlynydd Ymgysylltu Ieuenctid gydag Amgueddfa Cymru, Mymuna Soleman, sefydlydd y llwyddiannus a dylanwadol Privilege Café, a’r hanesydd a seicolegydd enwog Abu-Bakr Madden Al Shebazz.

Os hoffech fod yn rhan o’r grŵp mae’n rhaid eich bod o gymuned BIPOC, rhwng 18-24 mlwydd oed â diddordeb brwd mewn treftadaeth. I ymgeisio, anfonwch ddatganiad (un ochr A4) yn sôn amdanoch eich hunain a pham eich bod â diddordeb yn y prosiect, gan gynnwys unrhyw brofiadau perthnasol neu sgiliau y gallwch ddod i’r grŵp: er enghraifft, dylunio gwefannau/ TG, ymchwil, mewnbwn creadigol, gweithredaeth cymunedol/ar-lein, cymwysterau perthnasol ayyb. Rydym yn croesawu mynegiant o ddiddordeb gan bobl ag anableddau a gofynion mynediad ychwanegol felly cofiwch gynnwys unrhyw wybodaeth berthnasol fel ein bod yn gallu sicrhau ymaddasiadau.

Bydd y cyfarfodydd mwy na thebyg yn digwydd ar-lein gyda Zoom, felly nid yw yn angenrheidiol eich bod yng Nghaerdydd ond mae’n rhaid eich bod yn Gymreig ac o Gymru i gymryd rhan, byddai siaradwyr Cymraeg yn fantais i’r grŵp, ond byddwch yn ymwybodol bydd y sesiynau yn cael eu harwain yn Saesneg.

E-bostiwch eich datganiad o ddiddordeb at gail@madeinroath.com erbyn y 14fed o Awst 2020 os gwelwch yn dda. Hefyd, defnyddiwch y cyfeiriad e-bost yma ar gyfer unrhyw ymholiadau am y prosiect.

Edrychwn ymlaen at glywed gennych!