Ekphrastic Challenge: A Poetry Competition - Open to all
15octAll Day20Ekphrastic Challenge: A Poetry Competition - Open to all
Event Details
Sun 15 – Fri 20 Oct. Submit entry via email. Disability Access: Yes Family Friendly: No Write a poem in response to a piece of artwork which you have seen on display
Event Details
Sun 15 – Fri 20 Oct. Submit entry via email.
Disability Access: Yes
Family Friendly: No
Write a poem in response to a piece of artwork which you have seen on display during the festival. Take a photo of the artwork and send both (with your name, artist’s name, title of artwork) to rachel@createdtoread.com by 5pm Fri 20 Oct. The competition will be judged by local poets Mab Jones and Rhys Milsom. The prize is publication on the madeinroath website, a £15 book token and a fascinating book on world art (purchased from the Aladdin’s Cave – Troutmark Books).
We will also display the winning entry at the art space ‘Three Doors Up’ in the Queens Arcade shopping centre. If you’re searching for inspiration, you could go along to the monthly ekphrastic writing group on 17 Oct at The Gate, where we’ll be drawing inspiration from the madeinroath Open Exhibition. Both events are run by local poet and book blogger Rachel Carney. See her blog for more details: www.createdtoread.com/ekphrastic-writing-group.
15 October, 2017 - 20 October, 2017 (All Day)(GMT+00:00)