Meet Me / Cyfarfod

18oct8:30 pmMeet Me / Cyfarfod

Event Details


Wed 18 Oct, 8:30pm

The Parlour at nofitstate, Four Elms Road, CF24 1LE

Disability access: Yes

Family friendly: No

How long does it take to get to know someone? How long does it take to tell a story, share a moment, or make someone laugh?

What if you only had two minutes?

Part performance, part social experience, ‘Meet Me’ is a safe, fun and interactive exploration of loneliness and belonging in the twenty first century.

Faint o amser sydd angen arnom i ddod i adnabod rhywun? Faint o amser sydd angen i adrodd stori, rhannu profiad, neu wneud i rywun chwerthin?

Ydy dwy funud yn ddigon?

Yn rhan perfformiad, rhan ddigwyddiad cymdeithasol, mae ‘Cyfarfod’ yn brofiad diogel, hwyl a rhyngweithiol am unigrwydd a pherthynas yn yr unfed ganrif ar hugain.

The performance will include options to interact in English or Welsh. / Mi fydd y perfformiad hon yn cynnwys opsiynau dwyieithog.


18 October, 2017 8:30 pm(GMT+00:00)


Nofitstate Circus

Four Elms Rd, CF24 1LE

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