Unsung Songbook

Available at various Made in Roath events; See www.primarilyanonmusicalband.blogspot.co.uk for details /@NotPopMusic Cinzia Mutigli and Freya Dooley This is the debut public project for Freya Dooley and Cinzia Mutigli, two halves of a primarily non-musical band. Throughout Made in Roath they will be making appearances at various events, distributing Lyric Books of realised scripts of […]
Radio Roath

Sam Hasler and Becca Thomas, Cinzia Mutigli and Freya Dooley Thu 17th – Thu 24th Oct / 98.1FM Hyper-Local Roath Radio Bringing the sounds and voices of Roath to life, working in conjunction with the radio students at the Atruim University of South Wales. Programming will also be broadcast hyper-locally as 98.1FM. Programmes from local […]