Past Residencies

Momal Talha

Catherine Wynne-Paton


Florence Boyd

Umulkhayr Mohamed

Stories from the Caribbean Front Room

Nasia Sarwar-Skuse

Esyllt Lewis


Red Route – 3rd May 2021

People’s Paper: Collaboration

Preparation – A Studio Study

Radha Patel

Absent but not Forgotten: libations

Homework – remote residency

Made in Roath Remote Residency

Site Sit

Nasima Begum

Cinzia Mutigli

Sahar Saki

Elly Baltus

Amber Mottram

Prith Biant

Simon Fenoulhet

Nicolle Schatborn

TYSM Residency

Emrys Barnes

Catherine Angle

James Cocks & Bill Cox

Aled Simons

Beau W. Beakhouse

Doreen Barnaville and Dorcas Pennyfather

Nia Metcalfe

AJ Stockwell

Dafydd Williams

Zosia Krasnowolska

Richard Powell

Catherine Lewis

Alex Goodman

Dinah Vagina

Shaun James

Martin Verges Rilla

Lucille Junkere

Tim Bromage